Wednesday, April 8, 2009

2 Stroke Enthusiast!

So why 2 stroke???
Yes, it is "less efficient" than 4stroke counterpart..
Of course, "much more" poluting too..
And yeah, that annoying "ring ding ding" thing, that sounds like a lawnmower! x_x
Then why?!?
Well first, just like a slacker said..
KISS = Keep It Simple, Stupid!!!
Yeah, what is simpler than 3 moving part : crankshaft, connecting-rod & piston?
Simplicity is the main reason..

Second, power-capacity ratio..
Do you know that, metrakit 70 engine (70cc) could produce a wealthy 28HP? *1*
Or GP125, that could produce a very very wealthy 55HP?? *2*
That mean, 400HP/litre of displacement & 440HP/litre of displacement, respectively..
Yeah, way better than even an F1 engine that running @ more than 18000rpm (approx. 300HP/litre of displacement)*3*

Third, power-weight ratio..
Simpler design, fewer parts, of course, will produce a lighter weight!

Then how about the polution?!? Isn't it way too poluting?
Or the fuel consumption? Isn't  it too much for the given power?


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